Chancellors Club Teaching Professorship

Front view of KU's Strong Hall

The Chancellors Club Teaching Professorship recognizes excellence in teaching and will be awarded only to persons who have demonstrated outstanding teaching over a period of years. The professorship is awarded for a five-year term and carries an annual salary supplement of $10,000.

Up to 3 professorships may be awarded this year to start in August 2025 and extend through the 2029-2030 academic year.

Nominations are due by Monday, February 3, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. 

Eligibility and Nomination Procedures

  • Academic Rank: The nominee must be a tenured member of the faculty at a rank of Associate Professor or Professor. Those who already hold another named or university professorship are not eligible for nomination.
  • Length of Service: The Teaching Professorship is designed to recognize a distinguished career in teaching. The minimum requirement is ten years of service at the University of Kansas.
  • Teaching Load: Nominees must carry a full-time teaching load as appropriate to a .40 teaching FTE in the department, school, and discipline. Department chairpersons and others with administrative appointments usually have a reduced teaching load and are eligible for nomination only if it is documented convincingly that they have a full-time teaching load.
  • Undergraduate Teaching: The nominee, with the exception of nominees from the School of Law, must be involved in undergraduate teaching and should reach a number of students consistent with department and discipline expectations. The nominee also may be involved in graduate teaching. Studio teachers and certain others do not reach a large number of students, but the selection committee will take this circumstance into consideration.

Please submit an electronic version of the nomination as a single PDF attachment via the submission link below.

The nomination file must be assembled as one (1) pdf document. Name the file as follows:  YearCCTP_LastnameFirstname (e.g., 2025CCTP_HawkJay). No hard copies are accepted, unless the demonstration of teaching excellence is not capable of reduction to a digital document.

The pdf file should include the following and be presented in this order:

  • Recommendation from the Department Chair or Dean (in schools without departments): The support file shall contain an evaluation of the nominee’s teaching performance by the department chair or the dean of the school, as applicable. Departments, and schools without departments, may nominate only one faculty member for a professorship.
  • Statements from Colleagues: No more than five letters should be submitted from colleagues who have personal acquaintance with the nominee’s work and who can comment on its quality. Letters from colleagues outside the nominee’s school or department are desirable though not required. These letters should be combined into one pdf.
  • Statements from Students and Others: Letters from present and former students, alumni, and associates outside the University are of value. The number of such letters should not exceed ten.
  • Materials evaluating teaching and advising: This section should include summaries of student surveys, evaluations of teaching effectiveness by peers, results of assessment of student learning or other relevant methods of evaluation over the past five years. Please include numerical data from student teaching evaluations, as well as the departmental or school mean as an aid in considering the nominee’s numerical data. Do not include copies of individual student course evaluations. Summaries and selected comments may be included.
  • Evidence of Innovation in Teaching: Documentation of the nominee’s commitment to creative and effective course structures, or procedures, that contribute to the achievement student learning.
  • Evidence of Scholarship: A thorough resume section listing research accomplishments and a brief narrative giving an overview of the importance of the research should be included with the nomination materials.

For this award, excellence is considered broadly and from within a discipline’s lens. From this perspective, excellence may be demonstrated by a record of: (1) outstanding teaching as evidenced in support letters, (2) outstanding teaching as evidenced in teaching and advising support materials, (3) innovation and quality of teaching practices, and (4) scholarship demonstrating the importance of research.

Within the nominations from their unit, the Office of Faculty Affairs will ask each dean and CLAS divisional associate dean (in consultation with the CLAS executive dean) to rank nominations based upon the merit of the application and with the goal of ensuring distribution of the award across disciplines over time. These rankings will remain confidential. Following their review and ranking, the dean, or divisional associate dean, will return all nomination packets and this confidential ranking to the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs Office.

University Committee: The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs will convene a committee who will select, by majority vote, the most meritorious application with the goal of ensuring distribution of the award across disciplines over time.

Nominators: Self-nomination, faculty colleague, unit committee, chair, director, associate dean or dean-level nominations may be made.

Nominations are due by Monday, February 3, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. 

No announcement will be made concerning persons nominated. All materials received in relation to the process will be treated as confidential information.

Please contact us at with any questions.

Current Recipients of the Chancellors Club Teaching Professorship

  • 2024, Shannon O’Lear, Geography
  • 2022, Cynthia Colwell Dunn, Music
  • 2022, Mark Mort, Undergraduate Biology Program
  • 2021, Mikhail Barybin, Chemistry
  • 2021, George Tsoflias, Geophysics
  • 1989, Robert Antonio, Sociology
  • 2024, Shannon O’Lear, Geography
  • 2022, Cynthia Colwell Dunn, Music
  • 2022, Mark Mort, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • 2021, Mikhail Barybin, Chemistry
  • 2021, George Tsoflias, Geophysics
  • 2019, Karen Nordheden, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
  • 2019, Robert Parsons, Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • 2019, Amy Rossomondo, Spanish & Portuguese
  • 2017, Saeed Farokhi, Aerospace Engineering
  • 2017, Daniel Gailey, Music
  • 2017, Joan Sereno, Linguistics
  • 2015, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Mathematics
  • 2014, Stephen Benedict, Chemistry
  • 2012, Philip Barnard, English
  • 2012, Paul Hanson, Chemistry
  • 2012, Jack Winerock, Music
  • 2007, Helen Alexander, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • 2007, Amy Devitt, English
  • 2007, Alice Lieberman, Social Welfare
  • 2004, Paul Lim, English
  • 2001, Craig Martin, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • 1999, David Holmes, Psychology
  • 1994-1999, Grover W. Everett, Chemistry
  • 1992, Allan Cigler, Political Science
  • 1992, Norm Yetman, American Studies & Sociology
  • 1989, Robert Antonio, Sociology
  • 1986, Ray Hiner, History