Faculty in Conversation Series

Faculty Learning Circles
Faculty Learning Circles are small-group, interactive experiences meant to foster interpersonal connections and collective wisdom around specific topics of interest or shared circumstances. Facilitators provide logistical assistance, relevant expertise, and knowledge of available resources. A major benefit is also realized through the active engagement of participants as they share experiences, needs, and ideas with each other in a trusting space.
Spring 2025 Offerings
Watch for an announcement and updates on this page in January as we kick off spring Faculty Learning Circles!
Faculty Writing Circles
Tuesday, February 11
Tuesday, March 11
Tuesday, April 8
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Watson Library, 4th Floor, Graduate Student Study Space

Faculty Learning Circles: Mid-Career Preparing for Promotion
Thursday, March 6
Thursday, April 3
Tuesday, April 22
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: 145 Strong Hall (Office of Faculty Affairs)
Eligibility: Tenured associate professors within 1-2 years of going up for promotion to full are encouraged to apply.

Previous Learning Circles
Spring 2024 Faculty Learning Circles
This session is for faculty at any rank who identify as international faculty members, inclusive of those who have recently joined KU as well as those with a longstanding position on the faculty. Through this series, faculty will establish sustainable connections with other international faculty members on campus, learn about and share resources offered by the university and the community, and generate discussions to support research, teaching, and service in order to enhance their experience as a KU faculty member.
Facilitated by: Dr. Hyesun Cho and Dr. Haiying Long
Eligibility: Faculty at any rank who identify as international faculty members, inclusive of those who have recently joined KU as well as those with a longstanding position on the faculty
Thursday Sessions: 1 - 2:30 p.m. in 145 Strong Hall (Office of Faculty Affairs) / Feb 1, April 18, March 28
Are you currently an associate professor planning to go up for promotion to full within the next 1-2 years? Learn more about the process, connect with colleagues with similar goals, and receive feedback on a draft of your research statement.
Facilitated by: Lisa Wolf-Wendel and Megan Greene
Eligibility: Tenured associate professors within 1-2 years of going up for promotion to full
Thursday Sessions: Noon - 1:30 p.m. at 145 Strong Hall (Office of Faculty Affairs) / Feb 29, Mar 21, Apr 4
Session 1: Getting acquainted with the process and policies that guide promotion review, and identifying key resources
Session 2: Identifying strategies for developing a strong dossier for promotion
Session 3: Workshopping drafts of participant research statements, generating ideas for completing packet materials, and preparing the next steps for moving your process forward
Spring 2023 Faculty Learning Circles
Are you currently an associate professor aiming to go up for promotion to full within the next 1-2 years? If you would like to learn more about the process, connect with colleagues who have similar goals, and even receive feedback on a draft of your research statement, please consider applying to participate in this Spring 2023 coaching circle. Co-facilitated by Megan Greene and Lisa Wolf-Wendel.
Eligibility: Tenured associate professors within 1-2 years of going up for promotion to full
Thursday Sessions: 3:00-4:30pm in Strong Hall 145 / Feb 23 Mar 9 Apr 6
Session 1: Getting acquainted with each other and the process of promotion review
Session 2: Identifying strategies for developing a strong dossier for promotion
Session 3: Workshopping drafts of participant research statements and devising next steps forward
Whether you're new or not so new to leading your unit, this coaching circle will help you connect with other chairs and directors across campus in an informal and supportive network of peers. We'll talk about conducting faculty evaluations, engaging difficult conversations, getting the support you need, troubleshooting pesky issues, and anything else you want to discuss particular to your unique position. Sessions will be loosely guided by select readings. Co-facilitated by Marta Caminero-Santangelo and Jennifer Ng.
Eligibility: Chairs/Directors
Thursday Sessions: 2:00-3:00pm via Zoom / Feb 23 Mar 23 Apr 27 May 11
Fall 2022 Faculty Learning Circles
Life on the tenure-track is full of unique challenges—preparing new classes to teach, establishing a research agenda, and navigating service requests all while perhaps also getting acquainted to a new campus and community. If you’d like to meet others navigating a similar transition for camaraderie, support, and information sharing, consider participating in this coaching circle co-facilitated by Jon Brumberg and Jennifer Ng.
Eligibility: New faculty members within their first three years of joining KU
Monday Sessions: 11:00am-12:00pm in Strong Hall 145 / Aug 29 Sept 26 Oct 31 Dec 5
Are you a clinical, research, or teaching professor looking to connect with other non-tenure track colleagues and learn more about campus resources and supports available to you? Join one of the non-tenure track coaching circles. In addition to networking and topics you’d like to discuss, we’ll explore the nature and expectations of our roles, ways we can set and achieve our individual goals, and how to better manage the demands of our work and life responsibilities.
Eligibility: Clinical, research, teaching, and non-tenure track faculty members
Section A Facilitators: Carrie LaVoy and Jenny Mehmedovic
Section A; Wednesday Sessions: 2:00-3:00pm in Strong Hall 145 / Sept 14 Sept 28 Oct 12 Oct 26
Section B Facilitators: Kris Pedersen and Jenny Mehmedovic
Section B; Friday Sessions: 8:30-9:30am in Strong Hall 145 / Sept 16 Oct 14 Oct 28 Nov 18
What comes after tenure, and can you have both a satisfying career and personal life? Join this 3-part series to examine how research, teaching, and service as well as work-life integration considerations change after tenure. Meet colleagues at a similar “midcareer” stage, engage in some self-reflection and goal setting, and think about how to align your goals with your external demands and realities. Co-facilitated by Megan Greene and Lisa Wolf-Wendel.
Eligibility: Tenured associate professors
Thursday Sessions: 2:00-3:30pm in Strong Hall 145 / Sept 8 Oct 13 Nov 3
Whether you're new or not so new to leading your unit, this coaching circle will help you connect with other chairs and directors across campus in an informal and supportive network of peers. We'll talk about creating a big-picture vision, getting faculty buy-in, improving morale, troubleshooting pesky issues, and anything else you want to discuss particular to your unique position. Sessions will be loosely guided by select readings. Every participant will receive a free copy of The College Administrator's Survival Guide after registration. Co-facilitated by Marta Caminero-Santangelo and Jennifer Ng.
Eligibility: All chairs and directors
Thursday Sessions: 2:30-3:30pm via Zoom / Sept 22 Oct 13 Nov 3 Nov 17
Whether you’re relatively new to thinking about the kind of mentorship your students need from you or are looking to cultivate a network of mentors for yourself, this is the coaching circle for you. Join co-facilitators Kelsie Forbush and Karrie Shogren to explore how to be an effective mentor; promote a mentoring environment that supports diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging; and navigate some common challenges that mentors experience.
Eligibility: Open to all faculty
Tuesday Sessions: 3:30-5:00pm via ZOOM / Aug 30 Oct 4 Nov 1
When a student shares an experience of harm and asks for your support, do you wonder what to say and how to help? Sexual assault affects everyone on campus, but our roles as faculty and staff are complicated by many factors, including our own experiences. If you are interested in reading a powerful memoir by Chanel Miller called Know My Name, learning about resources on our campus, and developing a skillset to support students, then consider participating in this coaching circle co-facilitated by Sony Heath and Juliana Carlson. All participants will receive a free copy of Miller’s book after registering to join.
Eligibility: Open to all faculty and staff
Monday Sessions: 11:00am-12:00pm in Strong Hall 145 / Sept 12 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 14