Red tulips with a view of Strong Hall in the background

Faculty Development and Growth

We provide faculty members at all stages in their careers with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed and flourish.

Programming and Opportunities

Senior Administrative Fellows

KU is dedicated to the development of internal administrative leadership at all levels. To assist tenured faculty who have an interest in or talent for administration, the Office of the Provost coordinates the Senior Administrative Fellows program. This program allows selected faculty to explore administration without having to take time away from teaching, service, or research.

Faculty Conversation Circles

A faculty conversation circle is a small-group, interactive experience meant to foster interpersonal connections and collective wisdom around specific topics of interest or shared circumstances. Facilitators provide logistical assistance, relevant expertise, and knowledge of available resources. A major benefit is also realized through the active engagement of participants as they share experiences, needs, and ideas with each other in a trusting space.

KU Faculty Development Academies

We are excited to present KU Faculty Development Academies! These day-long intensives take place the week after finals and focus on particular topics, giving faculty time to delve deep and develop a core capacity in a chosen area.