Post-Tenure Review

In recognition that an outstanding faculty is essential to the accomplishment of its teaching, scholarship, and service mission, and in accordance with Kansas Board of Regents policy, the University of Kansas has adopted this post-tenure review policy. Post-tenure review must be conducted in accordance with fundamental principles and policies recognized by the University, including academic freedom, tenure, due process, and confidentiality of personnel matters.
Post-tenure review supplements annual evaluations by providing a long-term peer assessment of a faculty member’s past accomplishments and future directions.
Faculty undergoing post-tenure review must be notified by March 15 of the preceding academic year, per the University post-tenure review policy.
Policies for departments, units, Schools and the College may be found in the policy library.
Reporting Requirements to the Office of the Provost
Deans will provide a summary of the results in the college or school and copies of the post-tenure review file (CV, statements, and any responses from the faculty member) to the Provost Office.
The post-tenure review file will be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file.