NCFDD Faculty Success Program

Each year the Office of Faculty Affairs offers a small number of scholarships that support the participation of KU faculty in this NCFDD signature offering, the Faculty Success Program (FSP). Participants in this intensive 12-week, online experience learn empirically tested strategies to increase their research and writing productivity and prioritize their work-life balance. Participants also benefit from the program’s accountability structure, individual coaching, and peer support.

  • Goal-setting and strategic planning
  • Developing a daily writing habit
  • Aligning time with what really matters
  • Confronting and overcoming writing resistance
  • Resolving conflict in healthy ways
  • Learning when to say “no”
  • Managing stress and rejection
  • Cultivating a network of mentors, sponsors, and collaborators
  • Faculty must be in tenure-track or tenured positions at KU during the program or be a non-tenure track faculty at KU who has completed a terminal degree and has a research or writing-focused agenda.
  • Faculty must have an active individual NCFDD account.
  • Faculty cannot have previously received matching funds from the Office of Faculty Affairs to participate.
  • NCFDD offers three Faculty Success Programs each year, with one each in the fall, spring, and summer. Each session runs 12-weeks in length, and participants are expected to fully participate in all program sessions.
  • The total cost (full registration price) for the FSP program is $5,250 per faculty member. NCFDD offers an "early bird registration" price that includes a $355 discount. NCFDD FSP Scholarships awarded through the Office of Faculty Affairs provide funding amounts up to 50% of the early bird registration costs.

  • Plan to discuss your interest with your department chair/program director/dean to determine how to cover the remaining cost of the program. Possible sources could include funding from your department, School/College, start-up or professional development account, or other sources including personal resources.

Internal priority* application deadlines for an Office of Faculty Affairs NCFDD FSP Scholarship are as follows:

  • July 1 -- OFA scholarship applications due for the Fall Semester FSP
  • October 1 -- OFA scholarship applications due for the Spring Semester FSP
  • March 15 -- OFA scholarship applications due for the Summer FSP

*Guarantees application review by the Office of Faculty Affairs in advance of the NCFDD Early Registration deadline


Faculty Success Program Periods
FSP SessionsProgram PeriodNCFDD Early RegistrationApplication for OFA Scholarship Due
FallAugust-NovemberJune/JulyJuly 1
SpringJanuary-AprilOctoberOctober 1
SummerLate May-Mid AugustMarchMarch 15