tulips leading up to Strong Hall

Office of Faculty Affairs

Our mission: the Office of Faculty Affairs supports faculty and faculty leadership in the development of an exceptional learning community at the University of Kansas.

Faculty Affairs Highlights and Updates

aerial shot of campanile at sunrise
Christopher Koliba, Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor in the School of Public Affairs & Administration, will deliver his inaugural distinguished professor lecture, “’We Don’t Know What We’ve Got ‘til It’s Gone’: Standards for Taking Democracy Seriously,” at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 30 in the Kansas Room of the Kansas Union.
Pink clouds, KU Lawrence skyline
University Distinguished Professor Sharon Billings will deliver “Predicting Ecosystems of the Future with the Forests and Grasslands of Today” on Oct. 1 in the Beren Petroleum Conference Center of Slawson Hall G192.
sunrise campanile on KU Lawrence campus

The Office of Faculty Affairs seeks two or more faculty members to serve as Program Fellows for an initial term that extends through May 2026, with the potential to extend the term by one additional year. The Program Fellows will work with OFA on designing and delivering faculty development programming. ...

KU faculty...

faculty named Fulbright Scholars from 2014-2024
faculty and academic staff
current Distinguished Professors from over 38 disciplines

Office of Faculty Affairs Events