HBR Guide to Office Politics

Karen Dillon


Every organization has its share of political drama: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. But you need to work productively with your colleagues - even difficult ones - for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without compromising your personal values? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist - and navigating them constructively.

The HBR Guide to Office Politics will help you succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Instead you'll cultivate a political strategy that's authentic to you. You'll learn how to:

  • Gain influence without losing your integrity
  • Contend with backstabbers and bullies
  • Work through tough conversations
  • Manage tensions when resources are scarce
  • Get your share of choice assignments
  • Accept that not all conflict is bad

Conference Room

Dillon, K. (2015). HBR guide to office politics. Harvard Business Review Press.